
Most of us have had their first agave-based spirit experience sometime in high-school or maybe college.  Typically a cheap tequila that came in a giant half-gallon jug and left an even more massive headache.  For some people, all it takes is one whiff of a bottom-shelf bottle and they’re immediately transported back to “that night”, so now they won’t touch the stuff.  We were no exception.

It took years of abstinence and a trip to Oaxaca in 2009 to get reintroduced to Tequila and fall in love with Mezcal.  We have been obsessed with the history, culture, all aspects of the production, as well as sustainability and conservation efforts ever since. 

On each trip south of the boarder we came home with bottles from newly discovered mezcaleros, and bags filled with glasses, cups, jicaras, or sal de gusano.  Essentials that we could not find up here, items that would transport us back to our travels in Mexico.  Now that our cupboards are full and all of our friends and family ask for non-agave spirit related gifts, we have decided to curate, design and offer our favorites on PINYAS.